Bloc It Off
Writing a list of tasks that need to be completed is a great way to get organized. Unfortunately, sometimes our to-do lists end up being "would be nice to-do" lists that are very long. A way to keep the list short is to give them an expiration date.
For this project I created an application to add tasks, mark tasks as complete, and have the system remove tasks older than 7 days. I was provided with wireframes to use as a guide for development. My task in this project was to use JavaScript, AngularJS, and the Firebase API to develop this application.
The user stories I was given provide the individual steps to accomplish this project.
- Sync tasks with a persistent back-end.
- View active tasks in a list for default view.
- Automatically hide tasks older than 7 days from the active tasks view.
- View expired and completed tasks in a separate view.
- Provide a way for users to submit new tasks with description and priority.
- User needs a way to mark active tasks as complete.
The easiest and most secure way for me to save tasks in a database without back-end development was to use the Firebase API. I organized my data so that each task entered by the user will have values for entry date, task description, priority, and completion status.
In order to start my development using AngularJS I cloned Bloc's Front End Project Starter for a single page application using UI Router.
When a user wants to mark off a task as complete he should only need to click on the task. It shouldn't be complicated or involve multiple steps. I used AngularJS's 'ngShow' to only show tasks where the value of 'completed' is false.
On each table view I added a paragraph listing all tasks that are in the database. The reason I added this was so that the user would be able to quickly glance over the task history on the default page. If all tasks are completed or expired the user would otherwise see nothing.
When submitting a new task, I altered the wireframe so that users could select a priority instead of adding text for that field. I determined that this would format the data better so that I could assign a number to each value. When displaying the data in a table it would be easier to sort them by a number than text. Alphabetically the text would be listed high, low, then medium and I wanted them to be listed high, medium, then low.
The MVP was successful. This simple app works well when viewing it on a wider screen. Future iterations for this project would include making it responsive and mobile-friendly. In its current state, the text is very small and doesn't maximize the width of a mobile device's screen. An additional improvement is to add user accounts with log-in for multiple users.